Kinder Hotels Partner

Site notice

Hotel Laurentius

Hotel Laurentius

Fam. Neururer
Leiteweg 26 | A-6533 Fiss in Tirol
Tel. +43(0)5476/6714
Fax +43(0)5476/6714-67

Company Name:
Hotel St, Laurentius Neururer KG | Laurschweg Nr. 23 | A-6533 Fiss
Represented by Lorenz Neururer

Commercial Register No.:
FN 210474x | Firmenbuchgericht: Innsbruck | UID: ATU 52135005

Member of WK Tirol
Trade Group: Hotellerie
Trade regulation act:
Supervising authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Landeck


Austrian Hotel Contract Regulations:
In German:
Download pdf: ÖHVBdeutsch.pdf

Design & Development
© ConneXion Internet Agentur, Innsbruck

Images and photographs – List of sources:
Maria Venier / Serfaus
Andreas Meier
Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis Marketing GmbH
Seilbahn Komperdell
Bergbahnen Fiss-Ladis
Schischule Serfaus und Skischule Fiss-Ladis
Foto Mayer, Serfaus
Alpinschule Fiss-Ladis
Andreas Schalber Fotografie, Serfaus
Roman Potykanowicz,
Daniel Zangerl -
Andreas Kirschner
Franz Oss
Sepp Maullau´n

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Dear guests, 

we are open until 21st april 2025!

See you soon!

Barbara and Michaela & Helli