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Babymoon – pregnant into holidays?

Are you pregnant? Congratulations. And no, you don´t need to worry, you don´t have to go without your well-deserved holidays. But how does it work, holidays shortly before giving birth? Babymoon is a travel trend that has developed strongly over the last couple of years. There are more and more specialised babymoon hotels for expectant parents. Pregnancy and travelling goes well together nowadays. If you watch out for a couple of things, pregnant women can really enjoy their holidays in Tyrol, Austria to the full. We in the Laurentius baby and children’s hotel know how it works and will support you as good as we can.

Enjoying holidays 'despite' being pregnant

A pregnancy always brings changes – physical and emotional. A holiday is the perfect time for dealing with this new stage of one’s life, to examine one’s wishes and views and to become aware of the new situation. Peace. Time for taking deep breaths. The power of nature. All this helps to support you during your pregnancy. By the way: Gentle sports have shown to be effective preparation for birth. Walks in the fresh air and swimming have always been recommended by gynaecologists and midwives.

A perfect hotel for pregnant women

If you come to Fiss, there is one thing you can be sure of: We take care of our guests. This maxim of the Hotel Laurentius does not only apply when it comes to the cleanliness of our rooms or the offer for parents and child, but in particular also when it comes to food. Our kitchen team knows what kind of food is best for pregnant women. We also know about food intolerances and allergies. Our chef is happy to take the time to consider your requests. You need not worry and can enjoy the Laurentius pamper board to the full.

Holidays during pregnancy? What to bring along?

  • Please don’t travel on your own, but with a companion.
  • The second trimester (week 14 to 27) is considered the best time for travelling.
  • Listen to your body and question early your fitness for a journey.
  • Consider before your departure what you might need. Sometimes trifles, like your favourite pillow or blanket, make all the difference for feeling at home.
  • Be sure to get the ok from your gynaecologist

For getting there:
  • Generally it is recommended to avoid long journeys.
  • Take breaks during your journey.
  • If your journey takes longer, surgical stockings are very helpful.
  • Use a trolley and avoid carrying suitcases.
  • Please take care to have enough to drink with you.

Important documents and other things:
  • Mutter-Kind-Pass
  • E-Card or insurance card
  • Important phone number (e.g. gynaecologist) if it comes to the worst, to ensure swift communication
  • Travel aid kit: Please consult your gynaecologist what you should bring along. Magnesium is recommended. It helps in case of muscle cramps and premature labour.
On site:
  • Simply relax and unwind, we will look after you.
  • We ourselves have children and we have cared for many pregnant women during their holidays.

Learning to swim on vacation? And for free?

During our Swim.STAR.Week from March 29th to April 5th, 2025, you have the chance to do so!

Every day (Monday to Friday), we offer free swimming courses for babies, toddlers, and beginners.

Here you can find more about our offer.

We look forward to seeing you!

Barbara and Michaela & Helli