Kinder Hotels Partner
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Our aroma steam bath

Nestled under the gable of our house, the aroma steam bath is the centre of our adult spa. There you can relax and unwind, enjoy the aromatic scents and let go. Directly opposite is the indoor access to our infinity pool.

Crown of relaxation

Some say that the visit to a steam bath was the peak of any spa holiday. During a family holiday too, parents shouldn’t have to do without this pleasure. The old Greeks, Romans and Arabs already knew that steam baths have healing effects. The temperatures and the high level of humidity are perfect for muscles to relax. The scents of the herbs add to these effects and the respiratory tract and the skin pores are cleared. The body can relax properly. The effects of a steam bath are a treat for spirit and soul. And we all know – health is important. Also for the parents.

Learning to swim on vacation? And for free?

During our Swim.STAR.Week from March 29th to April 5th, 2025, you have the chance to do so!

Every day (Monday to Friday), we offer free swimming courses for babies, toddlers, and beginners.

Here you can find more about our offer.

We look forward to seeing you!

Barbara and Michaela & Helli